The White Ribbon (Das weiße Band)
Francaise title: Le ruban blanc
Spain title: La cinta blanca
Greek title: Η λευκή κορδέλα
Russian title: Белая лента
Original title: Das weiße Band
Alternative titles:
I lefki kordela | Η λευκη κορδελα | Das weisse Band – Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte | Das weiße Band – Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte
Drama – Germany, Austria, France, Italy
Production year: 2008
Movie length: 145 minutes
Director: Michael Haneke
Writer: Michael Haneke
Cinematograph: Christian Berger
The White Ribbon
Movie description:
Strange events happen at a rural school in the north of Germany during the year 1913, which seem to be ritual punishment. Does this affect the school system, and how does the school have an influence on fascism?
Boy Actors
Fion Mutert
(Sigi / Sigmund, Sohn des Barons)
Leonard Proxauf
(Pfarrerssohn Martin)
Birthday: 27.11.1995

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Levin Henning
(Adi / Pfarrerssohn Adolf)
Year of birth: 1999

Age of the actor:
approximately 9 years old
Thibault Sérié
(Gustl / Pfarrerssohn Gustav)
Birthday: 25.07.2000

Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
Enno Trebs
(Georg, Sohn des Verwalters)
Year of birth: 1995

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Theo Trebs
(Ferdinand, Sohn des Verwalters)
Birthday: 06.09.1994

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Miljan Châtelain
(Rudi / Arztsohn Rudolf)
Year of birth: 2000

Age of the actor:
approximately 8 years old
Eddy Grahl
(Karli, Sohn der Hebamme)
Aaron Denkel
(Bauernsohn Kurti)
Year of birth: 1998

Age of the actor:
approximately 10 years old
Gary Bestla
(School boy)
Year of birth: 1992

Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
Year of birth: 1994

Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Felix Böttcher
(School boy)
Tim Guderjahn
(School boy)
Jonas Jennerjahn
(School boy)
Ole Joensson
(School boy)
Year of birth: 1995

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Gerrit Langentepe
(School boy)
Sebastian Pauli
(School boy)
Franz Rewoldt
(School boy)
Kevin Schmolinski
(School boy)
Alexander Sedl
(School boy)
Nino Seide
(School boy)
Paul Wolf
(School boy)
More informations
Kommentare zum Film
Eine sehr eindrücklich Vorgeschichte über das dörfliche Landleben und die Verstrickung der Bevölkerung in gewisse Unglücksfälle – oder waren es doch absichtliche Mordabsichten? Das läßt der Film leider offen, aber die jungen Darsteller spielen gekonnt, und ein einfühlsamer und guter Film von Michael Haneke!
This film was registered by Franz-Josef into the movie list!
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